Sponsor the Moonlit Memory Walk
We need funding for the following two reasons: it helps us offset the cost of the event and it helps us raise more money for the care we provide.
Who will your sponsorship connect you with at the Moonlit Memory Walk?
Those who have lost a loved one through illness or accidental death
Parents who are grieving the loss of a pregnancy or a baby stillborn
Pet owners who wish to be connected with those who understand their loss
Community members who recognize how important having a hospice bed for everyone who needs one…is!
The purpose of the Moonlit Memory Walk is to commemorate the people who have died. We celebrate that they lived, whether for minutes, years, or decades and that they made a lasting impression on the lives of others. The goal of this event is to keep memories alive and create a community of collective healing where to talk about our loved ones is to honour them.
In her article in the September 3, 2013 issue of Psychology Today, Sherry Hamby Ph.D. wrote: Research shows that even brief autobiographical storytelling exercises can have substantial impacts on psychological and physical health even months after the storytelling. Although in the dominant Western culture we often use writing to tell stories, I have also seen the power of oral storytelling. For example, oral storytelling is a major tool in many interventions developed by American Indian healers.
The American Psychological Association, in writing about coping with the loss of a loved one, regardless of how much time has passed, lists five key strategies. Among those five are:
* talk about the death of your loved one
* reach out and help others dealing with loss
* remember and celebrate the lives of your loved one
The Moonlit Memory Walk, by providing a community of collective healing, does all of this. During the Moonlit Memory Walk event, people come together to walk in the evening, along a treed path, by the light of the October full moon
Sponsorship Opportunities at a Glance
Sponsor Our Lanterns ~ Part of Our Guest Experience
Upon arrival, participants are greeted with a commemorative lantern on which they write the name(s) of their loved one(s). They are then invited to help themselves to food and beverages and volunteers introduce familiar people to new people. Thus begins the establishment of a community.
As everyone gathers outside, the names of those being remembered are shared and, with lanterns lit, participants begin the walk. Everyone carries a lantern to light the footpath and participants are invited to share their memories with others.
Walk Sign Sponsorship ~ Feature Questions to Promote Story Telling
There are thought-provoking questions to help that sharing process such as, "What was most important to the loved one you are celebrating tonight? What one word would you use to summarize your loved one?" People who began as strangers, begin to share and listen and continue to heal.
Sponsor Our Meal Before or Refreshments After The Walk~ Part of Our Guest Experience
At our First Annual Moonlit Memory Walk, on returning from the walk, people who had never known each other before, sat together while they had desserts and beverages. On leaving, new acquaintances hugged and wished each other well, and thanked one another for sharing their story. The smiles told of healing.