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Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Moonlit Memory Walk?It is Home Hospice Association’s major annual fundraiser, providing the opportunity for people to honour the memory of loved ones, while raising money to help ease the suffering of our dying and those who love them. By providing a safe, non-judgemental space, participants have an opportunity to mourn openly and experience the benefits of collective healing
Why is The Moonlit Memory Walk Home Hospice Association’s major annual fundraiser?Similar to the idea that it takes a village to raise a child, end of life care needs the support of an entire community. This requires funding. As a Canadian Registered Charity, donations are the only way we are able to end the suffering experienced from a terminal diagnosis. Fundraising events such as The Moonlit Memory Walk raise awareness, generate much needed funding, and introduce new potential to our cause. Our event was also designed to “give back” to those who participate. The Moonlit Memory Walk helps to promote teamwork/synergy, reduces the feeling of isolation and disconnection, while giving those who participate a safe, non-judgmental space to honour their loved ones and say their name. It is hard to find anyone who has not grieved the loss of a loved one. Whether it is a family member, a friend, a co-worker, or a beloved pet, we have all mourned a life that is now with us only in spirit. Home Hospice Association invites you to come together in celebration of those loved ones, while supporting individual and collective healing through our annual Moonlit Memory Walk.
Where is the Moonlit Memory Walk location?The Moonlit Memory Walk 2024 is taking place in 4 official locations: Burlington, Toronto, Calgary & Ottawa. To learn more about event location details, click here.
How long is the Walk?The distance of the walk differs from location to location. On average the walk is about 4km. The time it takes to complete the walk is approximately an hour, as we encourage a reflective stroll where we take the time to appreciate our surroundings and share stories of our loved ones.
Can I walk for my pet?Yes, you can walk in memory of your pet.
What happens if there's bad weather on the evening of the Walk?The Moonlit Memory Walk takes place regardless of the weather conditions - rain, shine or snow! We encourage walkers to bring a warm coat, comfortable shoes and an umbrella.
If my friends want to come, do they each have to register?To participate in the Moonlit Memory Walk all participants must register and actively fundraise by securing in memoriam donations or donations to support a specific Home Hospice Association program.
I use a wheelchair. Will I be able to participate?Yes. The Walk is in open locations that should accommodate a wheelchair.
What happens if I register for the Walk and cannot participate?We will make every effort to arrange for you to be able to receive any prizing that you may have qualified for with your fundraising efforts; however, we can not always guarantee that we are able to do so.
I want to donate to the Moonlit Memory Walk.Thank you! You have the opportunity to donate to a current participant or team who may be walking for an HHA program that matters to you. You may also donate to the general campaign.
When will I get my tax receipt?If you have made your donation online, your tax receipt will be emailed shortly after your donation.
How do I register to participate in the Moonlit Memory Walk?First: Access the Moonlit Memory Walk Participation Page to participate in the Moonlit Memory Walk. Next: Choose the FUNDRAISE button to create your team or individual campaign and complete the steps on the form. Then: Start your fundraising by making the first in-memoriam donation in honour of your loved one or towards the program you have identified. Click the DONATE Button and follow the instructions on the form.
I want to fundraise for the Moonlit Memory Walk. How do I get started?Fundraising is easy and fun, and the Moonlit Memory Walk has provided you with some ideas on how to raise money: Access the Fundraising Toolkit
How much money do I have to raise?The choice is yours! You set your goal and then you and your team share your tribute page with your friends, family, and co-workers. For funds raised from $25.00 to $100.00 we have a list of gifts / incentives that you will receive. For funds raised from $250.00 or more we have prizes that you will quality for. The most important thing to do is to set your fundraising goal!
What is the incentive for fundraising?For funds raised between $25.00 and $100.00 you will receive: Lantern When you sign-up to fundraise $25.00, you will receive a commemorative lantern and entry to the Walk. Commemorative Mug When you sign-up to fundraise $50.00, you will receive a commemorative lantern, Home Hospice Association coffee mug and entry to the Walk. Fandana When you sign-up to fundraise $100.00, you will receive a commemorative lantern, Home Hospice Association coffee mug, customized Fandana, and entry to the Walk. VIP Reception (want to re-visit this idea) When you sign-up to fundraise $200.00, you will receive a commemorative lantern, Home Hospice Association mug, customized Fandana, entry to the Walk and post-walk VIP tribute Reception.
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