The Bello Project
Why we need your support >
130,000 pets each year, many of whom may be a primary care giver
Ensuring that pets and their dying owners can remain together sharing their love and companionship until death is one of the most important and compassionate services that Home Hospice Association offers.
The leadership team working with The Bello Project in our Chapter is helping in our community and to further our organization’s national mission and vision.
Our chapter is also working to build educational events such as Pet Lover’s Death Cafes and Advanced Care Planning for Pet Owners workshops.
Your donation helps to purchase equipment needed for the safety of the pet or to assist with socialization, and to ensure that the health and medical needs of the pet are met so that financial restraints do not result in the premature separation of the pet and owner
Why we need your support >
1 in 4 Pregnancies Do Not Result in a Live Birth
Pre and Perinatal Hospice
It is something that no parent-to-be wants to hear…”we can’t find a heartbeat”. The mind goes numb, the body is shocked and the heart is broken. Our chapter works hard to support families before, during and after a labour that will lead to a loss. Two of the aspects of this care we are most proud of is our scholarship fund to train members of our community who wish to become Infant & Pregnancy Loss Doulas and the six week progressive healing group; Our Babies, Our Grief. There is a 25% chance that the person reading this impact has either experience such loss. A unique service of our chapter and one that will benefit so greatly from your financial support.
Why we need your support >
Hospice at Home
Wherever our Dying members of Ottawa lay their head, We will make their hospice bed
A Death Doula provides important support to a dying person and their loved ones before, during and after a diagnosis leads to death.
HHA Death Doulas help create a compassionate space for dying, working on legacy projects, offering grief support to the dying and those who love them and being present to offer strength to family members while to are bedside for the last day or hours.
Helping to raise money at the Moonlit Memory Walk for Hospice at Home helps to eliminate the risk of someone losing control over where they want to die because of a shortage of care or equipment.